
Basic Build

For those who need the basics to get started

Simple one to three-page user-friendly web page from a template including contact forms, services, social media links, Google Maps.

Standard Build

For those who want to get the job well started

Custom responsive three to six-page website including all of the above plus mobile and tablet interface optimization and basic SEO.

Premium Build

For those who want the whole deal leaving nothing out

Up to ten pages of fully custom responsive website including all of above plus advanced SEO, custom content, etc.

Site Maintenance

For those who don't want the hastle of learning how to update their website

Updates to events, images, or anything else regarding the website.

*Contact for Pricing

My services are not limited to just design.
I have grown to understand that my clients need more than just a good looking website. You are approaching me with a need, a problem and are looking for a solution. My job is to solve these, and help take away the technological stress involved in running your website.

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